
Posts Tagged ‘romance story’



Thomas slipped in on the other side of Adi. There was no way of escaping. She would have to hear Matthew out. An uncomfortable silence settled over them as they drove to a secluded diner. Once they were seated and had placed their orders, Adi looked expectantly at Matthew waiting for him to speak.

Looking at Adi’s haggard tortured face, Matthew took a deep breath and began to speak, “Adi, I’m sure you are feeling overwhelmed right now. I understand. I’m here to answer any questions that you might have.” Matthew paused, hoping that Adi would respond, and when she didn’t, he continued, “I’d like for you to stay with us. You’ll be safe, but that is entirely up to you.”

“Just who is Prince Joshua?” Adi finally blurted out.

Thomas proudly responded, “He is King Penuel’s son, the Prince of Miskana!”

“I get that, but I was told that King Penuel was just a myth, a fanciful story created by weak-minded people, and now today, the Prince is standing before me telling me that he loves me and then he’s taken away and I’m free. What if he’s some kind of madman? But if he were a madman, he wouldn’t exchange places with me, now would he? But then I suppose if he were a madman, maybe he would, because he’s not in his right mind, so he wouldn’t know what he was doing and…and..” Matthew and Thomas stared wide-eyed at the rambling girl who was teetering on the brinks of hysteria.

Matthew awkwardly reached across the table patting her on the arm. “Slow down, it’s going to be okay, Adi.”

Bursting into tears Adi cried, “How is it going to be okay? An innocent man just went to prison for me! How is that OKAY?” Her voice was rising into a high pitch which drew several curious glances from customers.

“Calm down, dear one.” Matthew continued to talk in a gentle calming manner until Adi had settled down to a few sniffles.

“I’m okay now.” She said as she dried her eyes with a napkin. “Please explain to me who is this Prince?”

As Matthew explained the turbulent history of Miskana and the previous relationship of the Soterians with King Penuel and Prince Joshua, Adi sat there dumbfounded. Doubts filled her mind. She had heard this story before from Rasha and others, but with a completely different twist. The villain in Matthew’s story was always the hero in Rasha’s version. As a child, Adi just assumed that this was a make-believe story to entertain and now Matthew was claiming it to be an actual event! She didn’t know whom to believe. When Matthew finished, Adi sat there in silence, contemplating what she had just learned. Finally she asked,

“How do I know that King Penuel and Prince Joshua actually exist? How do I know that the man in the courtroom really is who he claims to be?”

Matthew took a moment to stare out the nearby window. Above the darkening sky, stars sparkled through the breaks in the stormy clouds. Turning to Adi, Matthew pointed up toward the stars, “Look at the stars, Adi. For years Soterians have studied the stars. Each constellation tells the story of King Penuel and the sacrifice that Prince Joshua has made, but the enemy has turned the study of stars into a means of fortunetelling and horoscopes. What the enemy cannot do is to take away the beauty of the stars. They still remain faithful in sharing King Penuel’s story to all who are open-minded to search it out.” Awed by this new information, Adi stared at the stars with deeper appreciation.

“I never knew that,” Adi whispered.

Matthew looked down at his dinner and sighed, “No, I suppose not.”

…to be continued…

The Inner Workings of Story:

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands. Day after day they pour out speech; night after night they communicate knowledge. There is no speech; there are no words; their voice is not heard. Their message has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens He has pitched a tent for the sun. (Psalms 19:1-4 HCSB)

How do we know that God exists when so many adamantly declare that He does not? God created the stars to tell His story. Let’s start with the constellation Virgo which means “The Seed of the Woman” and points to Jesus Christ as the Incarnate Son. Move on to Libra whose meaning is “The Required Price” declaring that Jesus Christ is the Redeemer. Scorpio, “The Mortal Conflict” shows Jesus Christ as the Sufferer. Sagittarius predicts the “Final Triumph” as Jesus Christ the Conqueror. Jesus becomes the Sacrifice in Capricorn which means, “Life Out of Death”. Aquarius speaks to Christ as being the Living Water. It’s name means “Blessing Out of Victory”. Pisces gives us hope for us to be set free from the bondage of sin. It’s name means “Deliverance Out of Bondage” and depicts Christ as the Liberator. Aries portrays Christ’s humility as the Crowned Lamb. Aries means “Glory Out of Humiliation”. Taurus, “His Glorious Coming”, warns us that Jesus Christ will someday act as Judge. Gemini gives us hope for a better future when Jesus is King. It meaning is “His Rule on Earth”. Cancer, “His Possessions Held Secure” gives us security that Jesus is our Protector. Lastly, Jesus Christ is shown to be the Victor in the constellation Leo, “His Enemies Destroyed”. For more information on the constellations go to http://www.ecsministries.org/180325.ihtml.

There’s only one way in which stars can form a story, there had to be a Divine Creator! God has left His story of Christ’s redemption everywhere for men to search it out. Are you willing to commit to discovering truth? God is everywhere, He’s not difficult to find. The question is are you willing to see Him?

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